Tuesday, April 8, 2014

 It was the year 2016 and  I had just turned 17 when my parents announced to me and my sisters that we were moving. We weren't just moving houses or cities we were moving from California all the way to  Florida. I wasn't happy but everybody  else was, we moved a month after they had told us. We spent three days on the road and that part was pretty fun. My sisters Aly  and Isabella tried  to convince me that we would be happier in Florida. When we got to the house it was big, bright yellow with a hint of dark blue, a big yard, and lots of neighbors. When we went inside my sisters and I were  excited that we were getting our own room. A month after we had moved our parents took us to the zoo. We saw lots of animals and had lots of fun, the animal that caught my attention the most was the 200 pound papa panda. I guess it was a good idea moving after all
"intelligence without ambition I a big bird without wings" -Salvador Dali. This means that without ambition intelligence is useless. this is true  because ambition is how you reach your goals in life and without it we wouldn't get anything done. this can be clearly seen in THE CRADLE WILL FALL by Marry Higgins Clark where the main character Katie DeMaio is trying to salve a suicide case as murder. ambition is important to reach goals, intelligence is  useless without it, and the book  I'm reading talks about ambition and how Katie is ambushes to solve the case.   

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

"A hero is  an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."     -Christopher Reeve (superman)
 What Christopher reeve is trying to say is a hero can be any one that has had a struggle in there life and has overcome it. You don't have to fight super villains or save the world, you just have to over come the difficulties in your life. I agree with him a hero is a strong ordinary person that overcomes  obstacles in there life. when I broke my arm in the 3rd grade I had difficulty  writing with my left arm. some times people would  write for me but that was a little weird so I started practicing. it was also hard to take showers change my clothes and sleep. it was hard living with the cast but after 4 weeks they took it off.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I am Katie DeMaio
I am intelligent and persuasive
I wonder if I saw the man putting the dead body in the trunk
I hear the ambulance
I see the light as I wake up
I want kids one day
I am intelligent and persuasive

I pretend to be strong
I feel happy in my life
I touch  many law books
I worry about the future
I cry that I got in to the car crash
I am intelligent and persuasive

I understand the law
I say things I don't mean
I dream of a better tomorrow
I try to be the best at what I do
I hope to win every case
I am intelligent and persuasive